What about my registration in the CPR when I go abroad?

When you move abroad you must report this to your municipality of residence, so you can be registered in the CPR as having left Denmark. You must notify your municipality before you leave Denmark using the digital self-service system available on www.borger.dk or on your municipality´s website.

If according to the Civil Registration System Act your stay abroad is considered as a move from Denmark, you will be registered in the CPR as having left Denmark. This also applies even if you do not consider your move permanent and also if you are entitled to stay abroad according to other legislation.

You must contact your municipality of residence, if you do not know whether your stay abroad means that you have to be registered in the CPR as having left Denmark.

The main rules about registration of departure can be found in section 24(1) of the Civil Registration System Act.


More than six months abroad

If you stay abroad for more than six months, you must be registered in the CPR as having left the country (section 24(1), 3rd clause of the Civil Registration System Act), even if your residence in Denmark is fully available to you and your family is still in Denmark.

However, there are certain exceptions, e.g. for diplomats and military personnel, (section 24(5) of the Act) and persons whose jobs require that they leave Denmark for longer periods, but who stay at their home in Denmark during holidays and longer periods of leave from work, and whose families are also registered at the same address and live there (section 24(7) and (8) of the Act). Special regulations apply for registration of departure to another Nordic country, see below.

You should be aware that when calculating the six-month period, the length of your stay abroad will be assessed, seen in relation to your subsequent stay in Denmark and perhaps a subsequent stay abroad, see section 24(2) of the Act. If, during your period abroad, you have a short stay in Denmark, the number of days you have been in Denmark will count as an extension of the preceding period abroad, when assessing whether you have been outside Denmark for more than six months.

You should also be aware that if you had planned to stay abroad for less than six months when leaving Denmark, but you decide to stay abroad for more than six months while you are out of the country, you will be registered in the CPR as having left the country from your actual date of departure.


Six months or less abroad

If your stay abroad lasts six months or less, you are entitled to remain registered as a resident of Denmark in the CPR if, during your stay abroad, your residence in Denmark is fully available to you during your stay abroad (section 24(1), 4th clause of the Civil Registration System Act). In this case you will remain registered in the CPR at your address.

If your residence in Denmark is not fully available to you during your stay abroad, your municipality of residence must assess whether you should be registered as having left Denmark, or whether you can remain registered as a resident of Denmark in the CPR during your stay abroad, but without a permanent address (section 24(1), 5th clause of the Act).


When moving to another Nordic country

Special regulations apply for moving between Nordic countries, see section 25 of the Civil Registration System Act. You cannot be registered as having moved from Denmark to another Nordic country before the other Nordic country has notified your municipality of residence in Denmark that you have been registered as having moved to that country. When you have been registered as having moved to another Nordic country, you will automatically be registered in the CPR as having left Denmark.


Stormgade 2
1470 København K

E-mail: cpr@cpr.dk